Concept suggestion for people new designers/people without huge follower support

Hi, I think it would be nice if we get a concept only for people that doesn’t have a single design in game and also, people who doesn’t have a such ammount of followers. It could bring more and more people to keep participating on concepts and get to know new cool designers. It’s just a suggestion

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Hi and welcome!!

In response to your suggestion-- The concept part of designing is actually meant to be accessible to everyone, especially for those who might not have a large following. It’s driven by what the community is looking for, so don’t be discouraged—keep pushing forward!

If you ever need tips or guidance, I’m here to help, and there are plenty of other designers in the community who are willing to lend a hand as well. I also run a chat in-game for artists and designers where we support each other. If you’d like to be added, just let me know your username! We all do our best to lift each other up.

We’ve had a ‘Rookie Breakout’ concept in the past, and there’s been talk of doing something similar again. This would focus on newer designers who may have a few items in-game but aren’t as established yet. I honestly think the current system is as fair as it can be and has improved a lot over time.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me—my username is the same everywhere: @sunfnvp. I’m happy to help as much as I can. My best advice is to use hashtags effectively, read through the designer resources, and make sure your designs are well-presented. Don’t be afraid to get involved and promote yourself (just be mindful not to spam). Let people know about your work, and don’t hesitate to mention it in a room—just keep it friendly and engaging.

Keep at it, don’t give up even though it’s really easy to do and good luck!