Question about the idea and rejection of ideas

I posted the pink neon paws as an idea, how long does it take for them to be approved or rejected? I also have a question, why are my ideas rejected every time if there is nothing forbidden in them?

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My last one took 10 days before it was approved they’re very busy and they are getting a lot right now especially since concepts have kind of been taking a break they’ve been getting a lot of requests on ideas so be patient but if they keep getting rejected there’s multiple reasons why it could be because you didn’t set the rarity to a rarity that they feel that the items should be or it could be that it’s a redesign and it’s very obvious that it’s a redesign of someone else’s work It could be that it’s color changing because they don’t allow that it could be that it is the wrong category like you put it under shoes and it should have been under accessories or something there’s so many different reasons Make sure you just read over as much as you can I’ll post a link here

What’s your user in game I’ll add you to the art and designer chat I have that way you can ask for assistance or insight or advice there and we are happy to help :slight_smile: