Studio Package 0.15.1


  • By default the default channel in worlds will now have voice disabled, and there will be a second channel players can switch to that has voice enabled
  • Added Chat:SetActiveChannel function to the server
  • Added Lua UI collection providers
  • Added Lua bindings for Unity - Scripting API: AnimatorStateInfo
  • Added validation rule to warn if there are MonoBehaviours in scene on project validate
  • Added static server side Lua finds for Object and GameObject
  • Added button linking to asset catalog in Studio Editor

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed objects instantiated on the server in one scene appearing in other scenes
  • Fixed scriptable objects stored in serialized fields of client scripts being nil when passed to the server
  • Fixed changes to the physics settings other than gravity not carrying over to the uploaded world
  • Fixed socket errors when starting play mode
  • Fixed a case where a virtual player window would have the wrong landscape/portrait setting when opened during play mode
  • Fixed editor scripts being included in world uploads and causing build failures
  • Fixed being unable to report chat messages in worlds
  • Fixed RTS camera issue when for rotating screen while following player
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