May Flowers Game Jam

Announcing the May Flowers Game Jam! Unleash your creativity and come together to craft immersive 3D worlds using Highrise Studio.

Highrise Studio is a Unity package that works with Lua scripting to enable creators to make fully interactive 3D worlds in Highrise, a virtual world platform that has built-in avatar and multiplayer features. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out, this is your chance to showcase your skills, collaborate with others, and have fun making games.


  • Development Period: You have from now until the submission deadline to develop your world based on the theme for this game jam
  • Submission: Publish your world using the tag #mayflowers to enter your world in the competition. Submit your game any time between now and the submission deadline.
  • Judging Period: All submissions will be listed in the Highrise Worlds directory for 1 week. The top worlds with the highest ratings and engagement on Highrise at the end of the week will be judged by the Highrise Studio team based on gameplay, community engagement and rating.
  • Winner Announcement: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be announced on May 28th.

:ballot_box: THEME

May is a great time to celebrate spring and new beginnings! The theme of this game jam is May Flowers! From hangouts to hangman, your world can feature any game mechanic you like. The only requirement is that your game must include a flower or plant model from the new Highrise Asset Catalog. Check out this link for a guide on how to upload items from the asset catalog.

Check out our video presentation here!

:sparkles: PRIZES

:trophy: 1st Place - 300k Gold

:trophy: 2nd Place - 200k Gold

:trophy: 3rd Place - 100k Gold

The top 3 games will also win:

  • 1 month in the Spotlight section of the Highrise Worlds directory
  • An exclusive May Flowers Game Jam Legendary Item!


  1. Worlds must be published AND tagged with “mayflowers” by Sunday, May 19th at 11:59PM (UTC-7).
  2. Games development should begin no sooner than Monday, May 13th. Any worlds created prior to this date will be disqualified.
  3. You may use pre-existing code, including the provided template and examples, and can use whatever art and audio assets you have the legal right to use.
  4. Solo developers and group efforts are welcome, but we recommend teams of 2-4 people for better coordination. Join the #studio-beta channel on our Discord to find other creators looking to team up.
  5. While we strive to make the competition available for as many creators as possible, you must be 13 or older to participate.
  6. Worlds must adhere to the Highrise Community Guidelines

:date: Submission Instructions

Worlds must be published AND tagged with “mayflowers” by Sunday, May 19th at 11:59PM (UTC-7)

To tag your world:

  1. Head to the Create Dashboard and select “Edit World” under the Actions menu
  2. Enter the tag “mayflowers” and press enter to add your tag. Don’t forget to save your changes!

:clock3: Timeline

Development Period: May 13th - May 19th at 11:59PM (UTC-7)

Judging Period: May 20th - May 26th

Winner Announcement Date: May 28th, 2024

:athletic_shoe: Getting Started

Ready to get started? Do this:


Bon bah bonne chance à tout le monde

We can made a room for kurdish we need that room becuse we are to conture

I love you highrise Graça