Thanks again to all of our creators who participated in the
May Flowers Game Jam Challenge!
We had a blast playing through all of your games! Over the last week, the Highrise community spent 284,675 minutes across all game jam worlds. That’s 197 days of playtime!
And now it’s time to announce the winners of our May Flowers Game Jam Challenge! All of our winners will receive Earned Gold and an exclusive legendary item, the Wildflower Creator Crown!
1st Place
UnderWorld by
Prize: 300,000 Earned Gold
Total hours: 1,577 hours
Total visits: 11,051
2nd Place
aLittlePrince by
Prize: 200,000 Earned Gold
Total time: 1,261 hours
Total visits: 13,979
3rd Place
Flower Run by @SocietyStudios
Prize: 100,000 Earned Gold
Total time: 759 hours
Total visits: 9,252
Congratulations to all of our creators and thank you for building such awesome worlds!! Don’t forget to return to the Create Forum on June 3rd for our next Game Jam Challenge announcement!