Announcing Live Beat Game Jam!

:tada: Live Beats Game Jam - It’s Party Time! :tada:

Hey everyone,

We’re thrilled to announce the start of our Live Beats Game Jam! This is your chance to create the most happening virtual spaces for DJ sets, parties, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to the game, we invite you to bring your creativity to life and set the virtual stage!

:fire: What is Live Beat?
Live Beat challenges you to design vibrant environments where music and interaction come together. From chilled-out lounges to action-packed dance floors, the floor is yours to design!

:dart: The Challenge:
Craft the ultimate party scene with innovative interactions and eye-catching style. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Timeline: Create your project between Jan 17 and Feb 7.
  • Submission Tag: Label your world with “LiveBeatJam” when you submit (no hashtags needed).
  • Originality: Projects must be newly created for this Game Jam.
  • Quality: High-effort entries only; simple templates won’t qualify for rewards.
  • Team Up: Pair up with one buddy for a genuine collaboration—submit your duo entry here!

:calendar: Key Dates:

  • Development Ends: Feb 7, 11:59 PM EST
  • Judging Period: Feb 8 - Feb 12

:inbox_tray: How to Dive In:

  1. Create: Let your creativity run wild as you build your world.
  2. Tag & Follow Rules: Mark your submission correctly and adhere to our Community Guidelines.
  3. Submit & Engage: Share your world within our community to gain feedback and visibility.

:star2: Prizes Await:

  • Participation: “Jam Session Dreams” background for all who join.
  • Top Awards: 5 exclusive pets for our category winners:
    • Best Overall Experience
    • Best Overall Engagement
    • Best Interactive Elements
    • Technical Excellence
    • Most Immersive Atmosphere

Rewards and detailed competition goals will be disclosed shortly—keep an eye on this thread!

:sparkles: Fair Play Reminder:

  • No buying or selling worlds.
  • Keep the competition fun and fair!
  • Rewards issued 48 hours post-approval.
  • Proper name and thumbnail required, or face disqualification.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Track Your Progress:
Monitor your entry’s status via our Google Sheet. We aim for transparency and fairness in judging.

:sos: Need a Hand?
Jump-start your journey with our detailed beginner’s guide, complete with videos and easy-to-follow instructions:

Let’s get creative and bring the fun into this virtual realm! Share your thoughts, questions, or early ideas below. Can’t wait to see what amazing spaces you all come up with! :globe_with_meridians::tada:


:tada: Game Jam Special: 800 Unique Visitors Reward :tada:

Exciting times for all Live Beat creators! We’re rolling out a unique challenge where attracting 800 unique visitors to your world unlocks the exclusive animated game jam wings 🪽 — a special thank you for your outstanding contributions.

How It Works

  • Visitor Tracking: We begin counting unique visitors from January 27th.
  • Progress Monitoring: Keep an eye on your visitor statistics through the tracking sheet, updated every 6 hours.
  • Counting Period: This continues until the end of the judging day on February 12.
  • Visitor Criteria: We count only unique visitors.

:star2: Categories for Winner Rewards

We’re excited to disclose the categories for this game jam’s rewards, effective immediately. Engage in any category, but note that only one creation per developer can clinch a prize:

  • :video_game: Best Overall Experience: Aim for excellence in scripting, scenery, and gameplay.

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Best Overall Engagement: The world with the highest playtime by game jam’s end could win; feel free to boost your world through advertising.

  • :sparkles: Best Interactive Elements: Recognized for worlds with innovative interactive elements, from clickable objects to full-on games.

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Technical Excellence: This award goes to worlds showcasing advanced coding and system integration skills.

  • :tada: Most Immersive Atmosphere (HR Live): Partner with HR Live to design event spaces. Victors get to host an HR Live event and bag 2,500 live loot for HR items.

:mantelpiece_clock: Friendly Reminders

  • Newcomers: Unsure where to start? Dive into our beginner’s guide.
  • Approval Check: Curious about your world’s status? Refer to this tracking sheet.
  • Support Needed?: If you need to appeal a decision about your world, contact server-support on Discord.

:clipboard: Important Notes

  • World Transactions: Selling or giving away your creations is strictly prohibited.
  • Disqualification: Worlds that are rejected, bought, or unfit for the game jam will be disqualified, even after achieving the visitor threshold.
  • Tracking Delay: The tracking page update might lag by 24 hours; your patience is appreciated.
  • Collaborator Rewards: Rewards are issued to collaborators after the main recipient.

:gift: Reward Distribution

Patience is key! Rewards are dispatched after achieving your visitor goal and are processed manually.

Stay updated on your progress and standings by visiting the tracking sheet. Best of luck, and let the creativity flow! 🪽

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I want to know if my world “ You-Topia “ has been approved to the live game beat competition.

It’s not on the list for approved , denied , or under review please let me know if my world has been approved …

Username : AliciaCat420